Resolve to visit a public garden, like the LSU AgCenter Botanic Garden at Burden, once a month for a year to learn which plants are in bloom at different times of the year. (Photo by Rick Bogren) News Release For 12/26/14
By Allen Owings
LSU AgCenter horticulturist
HAMMOND, La. – 2014 is winding down, and 2015 is near. When we think of resolutions for the coming year, most of us include losing weight, being more organized or simply an overall "being better." Resolutions are good goals to have.
Gardeners are no exception to wishing for the better – better gardens, better planning, better record keeping, etc. Here are five resolutions – with a few modifications – that our friends at the National Garden Bureau recommended a few years back. They would certainly be appropriate for Louisiana gardeners to consider in 2015.
– To start, don’t blame yourself for gardening failures. Oftentimes, Mother Nature is not our friend when it comes to gardening. Or life gets in the way. We do not want you to despair. Simply try again and learn from experience. Your garden, and your gardening friends, are both extremely forgiving.
– “I will not be afraid to ask questions” is a great gardening resolution. How else can you learn? Take advantage of the experience of your neighbor, your aunt, the garden center employee, Louisiana Master Gardeners or the local extension agent. They will appreciate your interest and be flattered that you want to learn from them. You cannot learn by sitting back.
– “I will try new plants” is a popular resolution. This is kind of a no-brainer, right? Have you ever met a gardener who didn't want the newest of the new – for bragging rights, if nothing else? But what about really new ... like a new growing style or completely new crop of vegetables. Cruise around on Pinterest, and you’re sure to find something irresistible that's out of your usual comfort zone. Try an LSU AgCenter Louisiana Super Plant that you have not planted before.
– “Sharing my passion for gardening and landscaping” is another suggested resolution. We've done and seen studies that show many of today's gardeners got their start by learning from someone else, usually a parent or grandparent. Can you be that mentor? Will you be the reason your son or daughter serves homegrown vegetables to your grandchildren? Can you be the reason your neighbor plants window boxes for the first time? Perhaps you could become a Louisiana Master Gardener.
– Finally, consider embracing nature and garden for the birds, the bees and the butterflies (and the bats, too). One of the most enjoyable benefits of having a garden is being able to enjoy the beautiful creatures who visit it. So plan your flowers and vegetables with that in mind, then sit back and enjoy the show.
The National Garden Bureau at is a great place to find gardening information. The group is a national nonprofit association dedicated to improving the quality of life and the environment through increased use of seeds and plants. Their overall purpose is to educate, to inspire and to motivate people to increase their use of plants in homes, gardens and workplaces by being the marketing arm of the gardening industry.
The LSU AgCenter wishes all gardeners and landscapers in Louisiana a Happy New Year.
You can see more about work being done in landscape horticulture by visiting the LSU AgCenter Hammond Research Station website. Also, like us on Facebook. You can find an abundance of landscape information for both home gardeners and industry professionals at both sites.
Rick Bogren