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Christmas cactus adds beauty for holidays and beyond
Christmas Cactus

(Video 12/16/15) During the Christmas season, you will see Christmas cactuses for sale in nurseries, home improvement stores and even supermarkets. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to care for your Christmas cactus during the holiday season and throughout the year to help them do their best for years to come. (Runtime: 01:42)

Fertilize some winter plants
Winter Fertilizing

(Video 12/09/15) Most plants are fertilized during the spring. But on this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why some plants need to be fertilized during winter. (Runtime: 01:38)

Harvest bunching onions soon
(Audio 12/14/15) By the time December rolls around, bunching onions that have been planted in the summer or fall are ready to be harvested. Once you've harvested what you need, you can replant the remaining part of the plant. Listen for more information on harvesting onions this winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Try growing apple trees this winter
(Audio 12/14/15) Although most people don't think of apples when they think of fruit trees in Louisiana, it is possible to grow apple trees here. The key is planting varieties that require fewer chill hours and planting them in the winter. Listen for more information on planting apple trees in Louisiana. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Be mindful when ordering from catalogs
(Audio 12/14/15) Around this time of year, gardening catalogs will begin to arrive in the mail. Make sure that you don't get carried away and order unrealistic plants for our Louisiana climate. Listen for more information on ordering from gardening catalogs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant pecan trees this winter
(Audio 12/14/15) If you're a Louisiana pecan lover, keep in mind that winter is a great time to plant pecan trees. However, you should first make sure you have enough room for them on your property. Listen for more information on pecan trees in winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Deciduous trees let warm sunlight in
(Audio 12/14/15) Deciduous trees are useful in both summer in winter. In the summertime, they provide shade that can keeps us cool. When their leaves drop in the wintertime, they can allow sunlight to come through and warm our homes and landscapes. Listen for more information on deciduous trees in the winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Pay attention to winter temperatures
(Audio 12/07/15) If you have tropical plants in your landscape, it's a good idea to pay attention to the temperature during the winter. However, make sure the temperature you're paying attention to isn't the wind chill temperature. Listen for more information on protecting your plants against cold weather. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Grow hardy camellias this season
(Audio 12/07/15) Louisiana gardeners are fortunate to have a suitable climate for growing camellias. These beautiful and hardy flowers require minimal maintenance during the winter. Listen for more information on caring for camellias this season. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prevent winter weeds in your landscape
(Audio 12/07/15) Although Louisiana's mild winters allow weeds to flourish, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent them from getting out of hand. Be sure to keep your beds well-mulched and apply weed killers in mild weather. Listen for more information on preventing weeds this winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Watch foliage change color this winter
(Audio 12/07/15) During the Louisiana winter, many plants put on a nice display of color in their foliage before shedding their leaves. Keep an eye out for plants such as dwarf nandinas, junipers, and azaleas. Listen for more information on color changes in plant foliage in the wintertime. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Care for indoor plants in the winter
(Audio 12/07/15) During the wintertime, we tend to move tropical plants indoors to keep them safe from the cold. Ensure that these plants, in addition to your usual indoor plants, receive sufficient sunlight and are kept away from hot air vents. Listen for more information on caring for indoor plants in the winter. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Tips for pruning in winter, early spring
pruned trees
(For Release On 12/25/15) Pruning is one gardening job that often is neglected because gardeners are not exactly sure what to do. There is a great deal of confusion about how to prune, when to do it and even why pruning is done. As a result, pruning is often delayed until radical and extensive pruning is required.
Take care of winter garden chores
(For Release On 12/18/15) The pace of things tends to slow down a bit this time of year in the garden. Although we may continue to plant, prepare beds, harvest winter vegetables and enjoy cool-season flowers, most gardeners find this a more relaxed time of year.