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Grain Sorghum
Grain sorghum helps control grassy weeds
(Video: 07/23/14) A new grain sorghum variety coupled with a new herbicide will help farmers control grassy weeds in their fields, but an insect could damage this year's sorghum crop. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has this report. (Runtime: 1:26 seconds)
New variety could help grain sorghum growers
(Audio 07/28/14) A new non-genetically modified grain sorghum variety contains a trait that will allow farmers to control johnsongrass in their sorghum fields. Weed scientist Daniel Stephenson said this is a first. Grasses are hard to control in sorghum because they are so closely related to the crop.
Sugarcane stalks are shorter this season
(Video 07/23/14) Tall stalks of sugarcane are a common sight around south Louisiana in midsummer, but this year stalks are shorter than normal. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that cool weather we enjoy doesn't have much benefit to sugarcane. (Runtime: 1:43 seconds)
Rice Update
Rice farmers in Louisiana use new technology
(Video: 07/10/14) Louisiana’s rice crop is midway through its growing season, but weather has caused delays. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has an update on the crop and a look at new technology that can improve the way farmers grow rice. (Runtime: 1:30 seconds)
corn and cotton
Corn and cotton benefit from good weather
(Video: 07/23/14) Louisiana's corn and cotton crops have benefited from good weather and few disease or insect problems during their growing season. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has an update. (Runtime: 1:28 seconds)
Kathy Conerly
Conerly named Louisiana FFA executive secretary
(Distributed 07/29/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Kathy Conerly has been named executive secretary of Louisiana FFA. In her new position, she hopes to expand programs and use FFA to promote agriculture to Louisiana's next generation. Conerly succeeds Ronald Mayeux, who passed away in April and was the executive secretary for seven years. FFA is affiliated with both the LSU AgCenter and the LSU College of Agriculture.
Farmers express concern about proposed EPA water rules
(Distributed 07/31/14) WINNSBORO, La. – Farmers are worried their operations may come under increased federal scrutiny as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers seek to clarify which waters are subject to Clean Water Act regulations.
new building
Animal and Food Sciences Laboratories Building dedication Aug. 6
(Distributed 07/30/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The LSU AgCenter will host a dedication ceremony for its new Animal and Food Sciences Laboratories Building at 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 6. Gov. Bobby Jindal and East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden will attend the dedication, along with LSU and AgCenter officials.
Keep horses cool when hauling this summer
(Distributed 07/29/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Summer abounds with horse shows, competitions, sales and trail rides. However, hauling horses in Louisiana’s hot, humid summers can put them at risk for dehydration, heatstroke and exhaustion.
planter talk
New sugarcane variety featured at field day
(Distributed 07/29/14) ST. MARTINVILLE, La. – With planting season around the corner, sugarcane farmers learned about new varieties and an automated planting machine demonstrated at the St. Martin, Lafayette and St. Landry parishes sugarcane field day held July 25.
It’s time for mosquito protection
(Distributed 07/29/14) BATON ROUGE, LA. – With more than 60 species of mosquitoes in Louisiana and mild temperatures most of the year anytime is a good time to be bitten, said LSU AgCenter entomologist Kristen Healey. But right now is an especially important time to be on the lookout for these pesky predators.
Webster Parish group
Marsh Maneuvers camp teaches 4-H’ers about coast for 25 years
(Distributed 07/28/14) AVERY ISLAND, La. – The Marsh Maneuvers 4-H summer camp is in its 25th year of teaching students about the ecology, anthropology, geology and hydrology of coastal Louisiana. For four weeks, 4-H students from different parishes attend a five-day camp at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge to learn about the coastal environment and its precarious future.
Dustin Harrell
Harrell to replace Saichuk as state rice specialist
(Distributed 07/28/14) CROWLEY, La. – Dustin Harrell, LSU AgCenter agronomist, has been selected to become the next Louisiana rice extension specialist. He will start the new job in January with the retirement of the existing rice specialist, Johnny Saichuk.
Corn, cotton crops look promising
(Audio News 07/28/14) Despite a late start to Louisiana’s corn crop, harvest could begin in a couple of weeks. LSU AgCenter corn and cotton specialist Dan Fromme said he is anticipating excellent yields. The state has approximately 450,000 acres of corn – 250,000 fewer acres than last year. (Runtime: 1:20)
International visit begins to pay dividends
(Distributed 07/25/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – When a group of LSU and LSU AgCenter professors visited Brazil universities last spring, it was more of a fact-finding mission. But recent developments have proven the trip was well worth the effort, according to Lawrence Datnoff, head of the AgCenter Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology.
Sugarcane crop is short, behind schedule
(Audio News: 07/25/14) While residents of Louisiana enjoyed the cool spring and a relatively mild summer so far, it hasn't been the best situation for the state’s sugarcane crop. LSU AgCenter sugarcane specialist Kenneth Gravois said the crop is short for this time of the year. (Runtime: 1:30)
Profusion zinnias, beautiful, disease resistant flowers
(Video: 08/04/14) Zinnias (pronounced Zen-Yuhs) are beautiful flowers for Louisiana landscapes. But some of the typical varieties are prone to disease. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill explains how hybrid zinnias are both disease resistant and beautiful. (Runtime: 1:48)
Golden Dream coleus
Sun Coleus – Ornamental Plant of the Week for July 28, 2014
(Distributed 07/25/14) It’s not too late in the warm season to add coleus to the Louisiana landscape.
crape myrte flowers
Why crape myrtles aren’t flowering well
(Distributed 07/25/14) HAMMOND, La. What’s the most popular summer-blooming tree in Louisiana? Crape myrtles. Pretty easy question. Louisianians plant many crape myrtles in their landscapes every year. The lovely, long-lasting blooms make them attractive.
Disease on Bell Peppers
Fight disease in bell peppers
(Video: 07/28/14) Many people have peppers in their garden, and they’re now producing, but high moisture can lead to disease problems. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to take care of these pepper problems. (Runtime: 1:53 seconds)
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