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soybean planting
Soybean farmers get a late start in planting
(Video 04/30/14) With a cool and wet spring, farmers were slow getting in their fields. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that soybeans are finally going into the ground. (Runtime: 1:55 seconds)
Rice Planting
Rice planting has many factors to overcome this year in Louisiana
(Video 04/16/14) Rice planting is behind schedule in Louisiana because of the cold and damp spring. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard talked with a farmer in Vermilion Parish where weather and birds are affecting his crop. (Runtime: 1:30)
Cold weather slows crawfish growth, hurts catch
(Video 04/02/14) Crawfish is part of Louisiana’s culture, and the crawfish boil is a springtime tradition, but LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that this Cajun crustacean may be hard to come by this season. (Runtime: 1:25 seconds)
Vines, if weaved properly, will add a full look to the landscape
(Audio 04/28/14) Spring is a great time to add vines to your landscape. With vines, though, you have to train them to grow on a fence or wire. You want to be sure to unwrap and weave them to get full vine growth. Listen to learn more about how to properly place your vines. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Irises put on show in April
(Audio 04/28/14) Louisiana irises bring a wonderful texture to your landscape. The big, attractive flowers make them a spectacular plant. They do, however, require some care. Listen to learn more about how to properly care for you iris plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spring is good time to plant roses in bloom
(Audio 04/28/14) Roses are readily available this time of the year. Now is good time to plant them because they are in bloom and you can see exactly what color rose you are purchasing. Whatever kind you get, be sure to plant them in a well-prepared bed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Zamorano group
Visiting scholars from Honduras gain practical experience
(Distributed 04/30/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – After a semester studying and working with LSU AgCenter faculty, nine visiting scholars from Zamorano Pan American Agricultural School in Honduras are returning home with some valuable practical experience under their belts.
Open house provides ideas for current, future homeowners
(Distributed 04/29/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Those in the process of building a new home or making improvements to an existing one received valuable information from staff of the LSU AgCenter LaHouse Home and Landscape Resource Center at a recent open house.
Girl Scouts participate in 4-H Youth Wetlands program
(Distributed 04/24/14) ROBERT, La. – Whether petting an alligator, planting native wetland plants or sampling macronvertebrates, Girl Scouts visiting Shell’s Robert Training & Conference Center got an up-close lesson on the diversity of animals and plant life found in Louisiana wetlands as part of the LSU AgCenter’s 4-H Youth Wetlands Week.
Lili Courtney
Food Incubator helps tenants market products
(Distributed 04/29/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – For food entrepreneurs, getting products off store shelves is just as important as getting them there in the first place. Marketing is often key to accomplishing that, but many people starting small food businesses are unsure of how to tackle that task.
Steve harrison
Louisiana wheat crop doing well despite cold, wet winter
(Distributed 04/28/14) WINNSBORO, La. – Recent high winds could cause lodging problems for the state’s 175,000 acres of wheat, but otherwise the crop is doing well after coming through a cold, wet early spring, according to LSU AgCenter wheat specialist Josh Lofton.
Building green cities workshop scheduled for May
(Distributed 04/24/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – The Building Green Cities Baton Rouge organization has scheduled a day-long workshop on May 12 to discuss water issues in the parish.
Crape myrtle aphids cause fungus to grow on trees
(Audio 04/28/14) Crape myrtles are one of the most widely planted trees here in Louisiana. They are mostly disease free, but they do get this one pest called crape myrtle aphids. These little bugs don't really harm the tree; they mostly just cause a type of black fungus to grow all over the tree. Listen to learn more. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Easter liles can be used in your gardens after Easter
(Audio 04/28/14) Easter lilies can be used after the Easter weekend. You can plant them in a semi-shady area, and they will bloom around April every year. They bring a beautiful look to your landscape. Listen to learn more about how to care for your leftover Easter lilies. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Easter Lily
Easter lilies can be used in your garden
(Video 04/21/14) While Easter has passed, the smells of Easter lilies may still fill your home. When these plants start fading, you don’t have to throw them away. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how Easter lilies can be planted in the landscape and grow very well with the proper care. (Runtime: 1:50 seconds)
Kauai Torenia
The kauai torenia provides an array of colors for your summer gardens
(Video 04/21/14) Louisiana Super Plants are plants proven to grow well in Louisiana landscapes. The latest edition for this spring is the Kauai (Kuh-why) torenia (Tuh-wren-ee-uh), a beautifully flowered, low-growing plant that comes in multiple colors. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to take care of this newest member of the Super Plant family. (Runtime: 1:50 seconds)
Senorita Rosalita cleome
Cleome – Ornamental Plant of the Week for April 28, 2014
(Distributed 04/25/14) Senorita Rosalita cleome and its new cousin, Senorita Blanca, are great plants for flowers from late spring through frost. Also known as spider flower because the projecting stamens of the flowers give these plants a spidery look, this plant can take summer's heat and is drought-tolerant.
dinah schuster
Schuster named development director for agriculture
(Distributed 04/23/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Dinah Schuster has been named senior director of development for agriculture at LSU. In this newly created LSU Foundation position, she will develop a comprehensive fundraising plan for the LSU AgCenter and College of Agriculture.
three bottles
Food scientist helps turn home recipes into marketable products
(Distributed 04/22/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – Transforming home kitchen recipes into products that can be sold in stores involves more science than some people may realize. Fortunately for LSU AgCenter Food Incubator tenants, food scientist Luis Espinoza is on hand to help them do everything from keeping better records to making a product all natural.
4-H’ers participate in Commodity Ambassador contests
(Distributed 04/17/14) BATON ROUGE, La. – 4-H’ers from across the state competed in the state 4-H Commodity Ambassador contests on April 15 on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge. In all, 116 4-H’ers competed in the Chicken, Egg, Seafood, Sugar and Turkey Ambassador contests.
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