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Cotton study compares conventional, transgenic varieties
(Radio News 06/30/11) Cotton is an expensive crop to grow, and much of the expense can come before farmers put their crops in the ground – when they purchase their seed. LSU AgCenter agronomist Don Boquet is conducting research comparing transgenic cotton varieties to conventional varieties. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Reseach looks at cotton seeding, nitrogen rates
(Radio News 06/29/11) LSU AgCenter research is helping cotton farmers save money. Agronomist Don Boquet, working on ways to reduce cotton production costs, looked at reducing seeding rates and nitrogen rates. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Soybeans suffering from drought conditions

(Video News 06/27/11) Louisiana’s soybean crop is suffering. Dry conditions have stunted plant growth and will likely lead to yield loss. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:55)

Farmers markets offer fresh, local produce
Farmers Markets

(Video News 06/20/11) Consumers lining up at a farmer’s booth at a Saturday morning market aren’t just looking for fresh produce. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports that farmers markets offer consumers locally grown food and a chance to connect with growers. (Runtime: 1:59)

Insect museum helps with identification, history
(Radio News 06/27/11) Rows and rows of cabinets containing beetles, weevils, ants, grasshoppers and many other species make up the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum. As director of the museum, Christopher Carlton of the LSU AgCenter is responsible for maintaining the collection that serves as the research and diagnostic repository of insects for Louisiana. (Runtime: 2:00)
'MyPlate' plan simplifies healthful eating
(Radio 06/20/11) The U.S. Department of Agriculture unveiled the "MyPlate" icon earlier this month as a way to revamp and reinforce dietary guidelines. The simple image, which replaces the food pyramid, shows a plate that has been segmented into fruit, vegetables, grains and protein. LSU AgCenter nutritionist Heli Roy explains. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Nutritionist declares blueberries are super food
(Radio News 06/17/11) Anyone looking to eat more healthfully should incorporate blueberries into his or her diet. LSU AgCenter nutritionist Heli Roy says foods with a lot of color also have high levels of anthocyanins and phytochemicals -- antioxidants that help keep us healthy. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Soybeans suffering from drought stress
(Radio News 06/15/11) Drought stress is evident on soybean plants across Louisiana. Plants are shorter, leaves are curled and some are starting to turn yellow. Smaller plants can cause a host of problems, including more weed issues. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
For fresh produce, buy local or grow your own
(Radio News 06/14/11) Flats of strawberries were stacked high, sweet corn spilled across a table and crates of bright fresh produce created a feast for the eyes. This is a typical scene this time of the year at farmers markets across Louisiana. LSU AgCenter horticulturist Kiki Fontenot says a sight like this can entice even the pickiest eaters to eat their vegetables. (Runtime: 1:25)
Farmers markets allow customers to get to know their growers
(Radio News 06/14/11) Fresh food is the big draw at farmers markets, but customers who shop at these markets also are helping support local economies and farmers. These markets allow regular visitors an opportunity to get to know the people producing their food. (Runtime: 1:20)
Prepare children for storm season
(Radio News 06/09/11) Stories of floods, tornadoes and predictions for this year’s hurricane season have been in the news lately. Seeing and hearing about these events can create anxiety and fear in children. LSU AgCenter child development expert Diane Sasser suggests parents talk to their youngsters about their concerns. (Runtime: 1:10)
Plant 'doctor' diagnoses plant health problems
Plant Diagnostic Center
(Video News 06/08/11) Disease, insects and weeds can plague plants, making them unhealthy. But it can be difficult for gardeners to determine what is ailing a plant. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard visited the AgCenter's Plant Diagnostic Center -- where the “plant doctor” is in. (Runtime: 1:48)
Aquaculture researchers conduct spawning tests
(Radio News 06/03/11) Researchers at the LSU AgCenter’s Aquaculture Research Station spent a morning corralling, catching, weighing and injecting alligator gar with a hormone in hopes of getting them to spawn in captivity. (Runtime: 2:00)
Captive spawning could help fish population
Captive Spawning
(Video News 06/01/11) Captive reproduction can be a tricky business for some species of fish. Aquaculture researchers are studying alligator gar in hopes of maintaining its population and freshwater drum, which could help the catfish industry. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:55)