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What’s a 3-day food supply?
(Distributed 07/29/11) Food is a necessity for life, and as a result, a three-day emergency food supply is something you hear a lot about when a hurricane approaches. But just what is a three-day emergency food supply? LSU AgCenter nutritionist and food safety specialist Beth Reames says it involves more than just food.

Summertime crape myrtle questions answered
cercospora leaf spot on crape myrtle

(Distributed 07/29/11) It’s the time of the year, or at least one of the times of the year, when home gardeners have crape myrtle questions. We will answer a few here.

Disaster preparation should include a family plan
(Distributed 07/26/11) Hurricane season is a reminder that every family should have a family disaster plan, says LSU AgCenter child and family development specialist Becky White.

Popular vincas vary greatly in landscape performance
Vinca at Hammond Research Station

(Distributed 07/22/11) Vinca is the most popular, most sold and most planted warm-season bedding plant in Louisiana. We sometimes call this plant periwinkle. Many home gardeners and landscape professionals claim that vinca is the only summer flower they want to plant.

Children can help prepare for disasters
(Distributed 07/19/11) The onset of hurricane season is an important time for families to get ready for disasters, and parents can enlist their children to help get ready by assembling a family disaster preparedness kit, says LSU AgCenter child and family development specialist Becky White.
July is Smart Irrigation Month
smart irrigation month logo
(Distributed 07/15/11) July is Smart Irrigation Month across the country. It’s a program of the Irrigation Association to inform industry professional and homeowners about proper irrigation in the landscape.
Esperanza, Pride of Barbados and cassava give tropical feel to landscapes
gold experanza Tecoma
(Distributed 07/08/11) Many great plants perform well in summer and fall in Louisiana. Some of these are tropical-like in appearance, including esperanzas, Pride of Barbados and cassava. All of these are low-maintenance in the landscape.
Seafood is great on the grill
(Distributed 07/05/11) Summer is cookout time, and perfectly grilled Louisiana seafood is moist and flavorful.
Tropical-like summer flowers include cassias, tibouchinas, durantas
candlestick tree
(Distributed 07/01/11) Louisiana has many great plants that thrive in summer and fall. Some are tropical-like in appearance. They include cassias, princess flowers (also called tibouchinas) and durantas. All are low-maintenance.