Get It Growing
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Choosing the right potting soils
Potting Soils

(Video 12/26/11) Potted plants need the right kind of soil to help them grow to their full potential. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how to choose the right potting soil for your needs. (Runtime: 1:52)

Caring for roses during winter
Winter Rose Care

(Video 12/19/11) What do you need to be doing for roses during the winter? On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains what to do and what not to do when caring for your roses. (Runtime: 1:38)

Bunching onions may be ready for harvest
(Audio 12/26/11) Bunching onions and shallots were planted in late summer or early fall. These plants may be getting big enough to harvest now. Hear more to learn how. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Hyacinth bulbs are ready for planting
(Audio 12/26/11) Knowledgeable gardeners refrigerated tulip and hyacinth bulbs back in fall. Now through early January is the time to plant those bulbs. You can force the hyacinth bulbs indoors. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Christmas plants - save or discard?
(Audio 12/26/11) If you used poinsettias, Christmas cactus or a living Christmas tree to decorate with during the holiday season, you may be wondering what to do with them. Some can be saved, others should be tossed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Know when to prune freeze damage on tropical plants
(Audio 12/26/11) Most gardeners use tropical plants in their landscapes, so it typical to see freeze damage occur on them. It takes a few days for damage to appear, so wait to prune them. Woody tropical plants shouldn't be pruned until new growth appears in the spring. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Rose care in late winter
(Audio 12/26/11) Gardeners may still have roses blooming during late December. Taking care of them this time of the year does not require a lot of effort. While they continue to bloom, deadhead them. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Store garden chemicals properly during winter
(Audio 12/19/11) Many of the gardening products such as water-based herbicides and insecticides can freeze if left outdoors during winter. Make sure you store them where this won't be an issue. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Gardeners still have to deal with weeds in winter
(Audio 12/19/11) In Louisiana, we still have weeds in the winter. The means gardeners will have to weed their flowerbeds and vegetable gardens. Weed killers can be used on lawn weeds. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Apple trees can grow in La.
(Audio 12/19/11) Apple is not a common fruit tree in Louisiana, but there are varieties that can be grown successfully in the state. Winter is a great time to plant apple and other hardy fruit trees in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Don't get carried away by plants in gardening catalogues
(Audio 12/19/11) Gardening catalogues arrive in the winter. They are full of beautiful photographs and great descriptions that can be tempting. Just make sure the plants or seeds you order are suitable for your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Find new life for leaves
(Audio 12/19/11) Deciduous shade trees provide great shade in the summer while allowing the sun to shine through in winter. They do leave us with a blanket of leaves on our yard. Don't throw these leaves out, but rather use them as mulch or compost. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Camellias may need some care during winter
(Audio 12/12/11) Louisiana gardeners are lucky to be able to grow camellias. These plants bloom during the winter when not much else does. Check for tea scale, and water them if we get a dry spell. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Give indoor plants proper care
(Audio 12/1/2/11) Gardeners move many plants indoors for the winter. Taking care of these plants requires thought and effort. Remember, they need light and water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)