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Get ready before a hurricane comes
(Distributed 05/31/10) During a hurricane, you need some supplies just to survive. But many of those supplies are hard to find if you wait until a storm is approaching. So it’s better to make sure you’ve got some of the essentials now, according to experts with the LSU AgCenter.

Take care of your roses through the summer
(Distributed 05/28/10) Spring rose bloom was outstanding this year. The cooler weather through the winter did very little cold damage, and the dry weather and cool nights in spring led to a tremendous peak bloom throughout the state in mid- to late April.

Answer these 20 questions to find out if you’re ready for a hurricane
(Distributed 05/25/10) Are you ready for a hurricane? LSU AgCenter housing specialist Claudette Reichel offers a 20-question quiz to help you determine just how prepared you are.

Follow these hints for successful butterfly gardening
butterfly on lantana

(Distributed 05/21/10) After a beautiful spring in Louisiana, butterfly gardening season is now upon us. As we near summer, we have more bedding plants and herbaceous perennials in bloom, and these naturally attract butterflies.

Review your tax withholding when your financial status changes
(Distributed 05/20/10) Tax time may be over, but any time of year you can review the amount that will be withheld by your employer in preparation for 2010 taxes. Any time your financial situation changes, you need to think about the withholding amount, says Gloria Nye, LSU AgCenter family economist.
Coleus are great plants for the summer landscape
(Distributed 05/14/10) Coleus are one of our summer favorites for Louisiana landscapes. Coleus come in old varieties and new varieties. Some do well in shade and others do well in sun. There are coleus propagated from seed and coleus that are only propagated by stem cuttings.
Be careful with blood pressure
(Distributed 05/12/10) May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. About 74.5 million people in the United States have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames.
Keep enough vitamin D in your diet
(Distributed 05/11/10) Studies show many older adults are not getting enough vitamin D. Together with calcium, vitamin D helps protect older adults from osteoporosis, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames.
Angelonias are great summer through fall
(Distributed 05/06/10) Angelonias are one of the top new herbaceous ornamental plants over the past 10 years. Some of us may not have been familiar with angelonias until recently, and many gardeners are probably still somewhat unfamiliar with this new plant. Angelonias are also referred to by the common name of “summer snapdragon.”