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Colorful Foliage
Colorful foliage that will last all summer
(Video 05/13/13) Flowers aren’t the only source of color in your landscape during the summer months. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill presents some great choices for colorful and attractive foliage that will stand up to the heat. (Runtime: 1:38)
Protect trees during construction projects
(Audio 05/27/13) Construction on a property can damage the trees on it. Before building or doing renovations on a lot with existing trees, safeguard the trees. Consult an arborist to devise a strategy for saving the trees.
Gardeners can plant palms in summer
(Audio 05/27/13) Warm summer months are the best time to plant palms in Louisiana. This gives them time to settle in before the cold of winter. Look at hardiness and growth habit when deciding what palm to plant. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Hyacinth bean is attractive summer vine
(Audio 05/27/13) Hyacinth bean is a great summer-flowering vine. It produces spikes of lavender flowers and attractive seed pods. Plant seeds in May, and be sure to have a large trellis or arbor for it to grow on. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Submerged plants help keep aquatic gardens healthy
(Audio 05/27/13) The sound of water can have a cooling effect during summer. If you have an aquatic garden in your landscape, do try to keep it clean and healthy. Submerged plants help keep algae from growing in the water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Aphids can infest crape myrtles
(Audio 05/27/13) Crape myrtles are the most popular summer-flowering tree in Louisiana. They have few pest problems, but one issue is the crape myrtle aphid. It sucks the sap from the tree and excretes a substance that causes sooty mold to grow on the trees.
Plant summer bulbs for beautiful blooms
(Audio 05/20/13) Late May is a good time to plant summer bulbs. Some to consider include calla lilies, canna, caladiums and gingers. Look for them in local nurseries and garden centers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Graceful agapanthus come in different sizes
(Video 05/27/13) One of the most graceful plants of summer is the Lily of the Nile or agapanthus – with its striking blue or white flowers. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to different-sized agapanthus plants and explains how to take care of them. (Runtime: 1:41)
Add salvia for intense color through summer
(Video 05/20/13) Salvia is an incredible summer plant that offers a wide variety of colors and styles. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to some beautiful salvia species and explains the best places to plant them. (Runtime: 1:45)
Plants provide leafy greens during summer
(Audio 05/20/13) Cooked greens are a traditional part of Louisiana cuisine. Most of the leafy greens we use are grown in winter. If you are looking for greens in summer, you can try Malabar and New Zealand spinach or amaranth. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Clean pots keep container plants attractive
(Audio 05/20/13) If you grow plants in containers, you will need to clean these pots from time to time. Plastic pots are easy to clean, but terra cotta pots may need a little more help. Listen to learn how to properly clean your pots. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spray schedule can control black spot on roses
(Audio 05/20/13) Black spot is the leading fungal disease on roses in Louisiana. Some of the roses we use are more tolerant to black spot. Hybrid teas and grandifloras can be put on a regular spray schedule to control this disease. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spanish moss won't hurt trees
(Audio 05/20/13) Spanish moss is associated with Louisiana - often seen hanging from the branches of live oaks or cypress trees. It does not hurt the trees it grows on. It makes its own food through photosynthesis. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Young trees need water during summer
(Audio 05/13/13) Newly planted trees will need special care their first summer in the ground. Pay close attention to watering young trees during drier periods. Hear more to learn good techniques for watering trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Harvest Irish potatoes in late May
(Audio 05/13/13) It is too late to plant Irish potatoes, but gardeners can get ready to harvest them. When the plants turn yellow and start to die off, that is the time you will get mature potatoes. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Try spring Super Plants in your landscape
(Audio 05/13/13) The Bandana series lantana and the Little Ruby alternanthera are great summer bedding plants for Louisiana landscapes. Both also are Louisiana Super Plants for spring 2013. Consider planting them in May. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Cool-season plants will fade as weather warms
(Audio 05/13/13) Gardeners planted cool-season bedding plants back in the fall. These are flowers that like cold nights and cool days, so they will start fading soon. Pull them out when this happens and put in some warm-season plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Proper care keeps hydrangeas, gardenias in good shape
(Audio 05/13/13) Hydrangeas and gardenias put on their best show in May. You may see a few yellow leaves on them, but this isn't of concern. You can shape them up after they bloom, and be sure to give hydrangeas water during summer dry spells. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Aphrodite Althea
Aphrodite althea, Super Plant with giant flowers
(Video 05/06/13) The LSU AgCenter’s Louisiana Super Plants program highlights tough and beautiful plants that work well in Louisiana landscapes. The Aphrodite althea is a Super Plant that provides incredibly large and beautiful flowers. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains proper care for this beautiful shrub. (Runtime: 1:42)
Treat lawn weeds before weather heats up
(Audio 05/06/13) The warmer the weather gets, the less effective lawn herbicides become. If you need to treat your lawn for weeds, do it soon to get the best control. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
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