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Get-fit tools can help with resolutions
Fit Tools

(Video News 01/29/13) Sophisticated pedometers and smart phones can help people keep their healthy living resolutions. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard tells how. (1:55:)

Backyard flocks allow urbanites to raise food
Backyard Flocks

(Video News 01/25/13) Childhood memories of her grandfather’s chicken flock in the Netherlands prompted Kim Kramer to turn her shed into a chicken coop. Three years later, “the girls,” as she calls them, are a part of her family. Kramer and her husband Chris Mores and their three boys are part of a growing number of city dwellers who have backyard flocks. (Runtime: 1:39)

Farmers face 2013 with 2008 farm bill
Farm Bill Extension

(Video News 01/10/13) Farmers hoping for a new farm bill in 2012 never got one. Instead, farmers will be operating under most of the same policies they have been working under since 2008. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:55)

Food engineer helps companies develop new products
Food Development

(Video News 01/08/13) Not only chefs have a hand in food product development. An LSU AgCenter food engineer is helping companies make their foods safer and fresher. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:48)

Use proper sprayers for various applications
Using Sprayers
(Video 01/01/13) Eventually, most gardeners have to apply some type of treatments to control insects, weeds and disease. Some of the chemicals are pre-made and measured; others have to be mixed. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains the importance of using the proper sprayers for various lawn and garden applications. (Runtime: 1:39)