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Be wary of oil spill scams
(Distributed 06/28/10) Consumers and businesses are advised to be alert for scams following the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – and to report their experiences to federal and state authorities, advises Jeanette Tucker, LSU AgCenter extension family economist.

Be careful gardening in summer heat
(Distributed 06/25/10) What should you be doing in your garden this time of year? We say, as little as possible because mid-June to mid-September is the most stressful time of the year for gardeners and their plants.

Put the sun’s heat to good use
(Distributed 06/18/10) The extraordinary heat we experience in summer in Louisiana can be put to good use in the vegetable garden. Through solarization – a process of using sunlight to heat soil in beds under clear plastic – summer heat can be used to reduce the harmful effects of pathogenic fungi and nematodes and kill weed seeds in the soil without using toxic chemicals.

It’s blueberry season in Louisiana

(Distributed 06/11/10) Enjoying fresh Louisiana berries is a treat many people look forward to each year. Blueberries provide important nutrients that make them a healthful choice to enjoy at meals or as snacks, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames.

Harvest home-grown vegetables at the right time
(Distributed 06/11/10) June is the peak month for harvesting early-summer vegetables. People grow their own vegetables because of the outstanding quality of freshly harvested produce, and growing your own vegetables is a part of sustainable landscaping. Harvesting at the right stage, however, is essential to getting the best quality vegetables from your garden.
Make sure your grilled food is safe
(Distributed 06/09/10) Outdoor grills are a popular Father’s Day gift for dads to enjoy all year long in Louisiana. But cooking out requires extra care to prevent food-borne illness, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames. Careful grilling also can prevent excessive smoke and charring that may be unhealthful.
Take a look at the benefits of milk
(Distributed 06/04/10) As National Dairy Month, June is a good time to review the benefits of enjoying milk and other dairy products.
Prepare your landscape for hurricane season
(Distributed 06/04/10) June is the month when gardeners around Louisiana need to prepare their landscapes for hurricane season. Even in north Louisiana, landscapes can be affected by the high winds and heavy rains powerful hurricanes can bring.