News Release Distributed 05/14/15
WINNSBORO, La. – The LSU AgCenter will host a workshop on June 9 for farmers and consultants to learn how to reduce off-target pesticide drift and to use new technologies at the LSU AgCenter Macon Ridge Research Station.
The program will start with registration at 7:30 a.m., with presentations from 8 a.m. and to 4:30 p.m.
Topics to be covered by LSU AgCenter experts include a history of herbicide technology, herbicide symptomology on different crops, herbicide resistance, tank cleaning, weather effects on pesticide applications, field demonstrations, drone technology, reading herbicide labels and pesticide recertification. A lunch will be served.
AgCenter pesticide safety education coordinator Kim Brown said several new herbicide technologies will be coming on the market over the next few years. They include soybeans that are resistant to dicamba and 2,4-D herbicides.
“We felt like this was a great opportunity to work with industry and applicators on an educational project to do outreach on drift mitigation and new application technology,” Brown said. “This also will be an opportunity for commercial pesticide applicators with Agriculture Pest Control, and Demonstration and Research categories to get recertified.”
Companies sponsoring the event include BASF, DOW and Monsanto, which are working with the LSU AgCenter and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry to organize the presentations.
Bruce Schultz