Get It Growing
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Fatshedera is unique shade-loving hybrid
(Video 2/13/12) The cool season still offers more time to plant hardy plants into your landscape. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill recommends an unusual hybrid plant that has a tropical look. (Runtime: 1:49)
Lemon-Scented Geranium
Lemon-scented geranium has fragrance, repels mosquitoes
(Video 2/20/12) There are hundreds of species of scented geraniums. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to one that has a nice lemon fragrance and the ability to keep mosquitoes away. (Runtime: 1:40)
Ligularia is great shade-loving plant
(Video 2/27/12) If you’re searching for a tough, shade-loving plant with nice shiny leaves, ligularia might be the plant for you. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why it’s a good selection for Louisiana landscapes. (Runtime: 1:35)
Stay on top of weeding
(Audio 02/27/12) Cool-season weeds are active in lawns, flower beds and vegetable gardens this time of the year. You don't want to allow these weeds to flower and set seeds. Get rid of them as best you can to keep them under control. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Save spring-flowering bulbs that will bloom again
(Audio 02/27/12) Spring-flowering bulbs can add a lot to our landscapes. Many of these do not re-bloom well in our climate. These bulbs should be pulled up and discarded. Bulbs such as narcissus and daffodils will bloom again, however, and can be kept. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Fertilize roses for best performance
(Audio 02/27/12) This is a good time to fertilize roses. Roses that are fertilized perform better and produce larger, more attractive flowers. You generally can use an all-purpose fertilizer to get the job done. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Use herbicides before weeds emerge
(Audio 02/27/12) Herbicides are divided into two groups: pre-emergence and post-emergence. Pre-emergence herbicides are applied before weeds sprout. Early March is the ideal time to apply a pre-emergence herbicide over lawns and in flower beds. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Vegetable gardens get active in March
(Audio 02/27/12) March is an active month in the home vegetable garden. You can begin planting warm-season vegetables, especially in southern areas of the state. Tomatoes and peppers can be transplanted later in the month. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Use organic matter for bed preparation
(Audio 02/20/12) Organic matter recommended for use in gardening is generally derived from plant parts. It's important for bed preparation because it improves soil structure and drainage and releases nutrients into the soil. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Fertilizer can last long time
(Audio 02/20/12) If you've had a bag of fertilizer for a long time, and you are wondering if it is still good, chances are it is. Fertilizer doesn't lose its potency over time. It can, however, absorb moisture from the air if not sealed properly. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Sunlight requirements for plants
(Audio 02/20/12) Some plants prefer shade, others prefer full sun. Gardeners know that the amount of sunlight a plant needs to thrive must match its growing situation. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Divide perennials during dormancy
(Audio 02/20/12) February is a good month to divide perennials. You may need to divide perennials when the clump has gotten too big or has lost vigor. It's best to do this when they are dormant. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
It's not too early to plant gladiolus
(Audio 02/20/12) Gladiolus corms can be planted early in the year. Buy them in the nursery when they become available, and plant them in a sunny location. Stagger the planting to get the best results. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Watch for fire blight on plants
(Audio 02/13/12) Fire blight is a rare bacterial disease that can affect plants in our landscapes. Pears and apples have problems with the disease. Some ornamentals such as Indian hawthorn also are susceptible. Control is difficult, so prune off any signs of this disease. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Trim ground covers in late winter
(Audio 02/13/12) Ground covers are low-growing plants, such as monkey grass, used to cover large areas of a landscape. They are evergreen, but should be cut back from time to time. February and March are good times to do this task. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Take care of spring-flowering bulbs
(Audio 02/13/12) Some of our spring-flowering bulbs actually bloom during the winter, but many wait until March and April. If a late freeze threatens, don't worry about their foliage, but you should cut any flowers that are blooming. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prepare caladium tubers for spring planting
(Audio 02/13/12/) Caladiums are great plants for shady areas. April is a good time to plant caladium tubers into your landscape. You can get a head start with your tubers by planting them in flats. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant ground covers in early spring
(For Release On Or After 02/24/12) Using ground cover plantings in landscapes is becoming increasing popular. Areas planted with ground covers establish landscape effects that are impossible to create with grass – and generally require far less maintenance.
Prune crape myrtles properly
(For Release On Or After 02/17/12) Now is an appropriate time to prune summer-flowering trees and shrubs. This includes such trees as crape myrtles, vitex, pomegranate, mimosa, tung tree, elderberry and parkinsonia, and shrubs such as abelia, buddleia, althea, hibiscus, tibouchina, indigo, Turk’s cap, Confederate rose, oleander, fire bush, duranta, Mexican heather, buttonbush, and thryallis.
It’s time to plant roses
(For Release On Or After 02/10/12) Around the world, there is no better loved or more recognizable flower in the plant kingdom than the rose. It you are thinking about adding roses to your garden, here’s some information that will help you get them off to a good start.
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