Get It Growing
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Peperomia plants make a comeback

(Video 07/25/11) Some once-popular plants have faded from common use today. But occasionally one of those plants will make its way back into marketplaces and landscapes. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to one of these comeback kids. Some people call them “pepperoni plants.” (Runtime: 1:39)

Mushrooms are nuisance in lawns
(Audio 07/25/11) Mushrooms can pop up in landscapes from time to time. Wet weather can encourage mushroom growth. They are a nuisance and are harmful to lawns and plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Propagate shrubs with semi-hardwood cuttings
(Audio 07/25/11) Cuttings this time of the year are semi-hardwood cuttings. Gardeners can propagate their shrubs with cuttings now. Listen to learn how. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Cut flowers brighten our homes
(Audio 07/25/11) Flowers from the garden should be brought indoors. Cutting flowers allows you to enjoy the flowers more and beautifies your living areas. Cut your flowers during the coolest part of the day and keep them in water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Signs of bark lice are not cause for alarm
(Audio 07/25/11) Bark lice form webbing on tree trunks and branches. While it may look alarming, these insects do not harm the tree. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Basil is great summer herb
(Audio 07/25/11) Basil is a popular herb in the home garden. Gardeners who planted basil during the spring have been enjoying a wonderful harvest. When a basil plant starts blooming, that signals the end of its season. But you still can plant another crop of basil to enjoy for the rest of summer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
New blackberry canes will produce next year's crop
(Audio 07/18/11) July is a good time to prune old blackberry canes. Be careful not to prune any new canes, however, because those are the ones that will produce berries next year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Pruning crape myrtle flowers encourages blooming
(Audio 07/18/11) Crape myrtles bloom beautifully through early summer. Gardeners with crape myrtles can prune off fading flowers to encourage additional blooms. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Provide caladiums with summer care
(Audio 07/18/11) Caladiums are excellent plants for shady areas. Taking care of them in the summer will keep them healthy and happy into fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prune gardenias, hydrangeas before they set flowers
(Audio 07/18/11) Gardeners who haven't pruned their gardenias or hydrangeas are running out of time. Late July is the latest to prune these shrubs before they set next year's flowers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Fresh figs available during July
(Audio 07/18/11) Louisiana figs peak during the month of July. Harvesting the ripe figs daily will yield the best fruit and keep predators from getting to the figs first. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Combine plants in containers for nice effect
Combination Plant Containers
(Video 7/18/11) Plants in containers or pots help liven up patio areas. Rather than just putting one type of plant in the container, you can use plant combinations. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill provides ideas for combining container plants for very nice effects. (Runtime: 1:37)
Fireworks gomphrenas explode with color
Fireworks Gonfrena
(Video 7/11/11) Compact flowering bedding plants are typical in summer flower gardens. But taller, wilder looking flowering plants are coming back to the garden landscape. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to a new plant that fills spaces with color, while exerting its freedom to grow up and out. (Runtime: 1:34)
Leaf miners leave trails on leaves
(Audio 7/11/11) Leaf miners are common insects on a wide variety of ornamental plants and vegetables. The tiny insects feed between the layers of leaf cells. Leaf miners can be controlled with an insecticide. (Runtime: 60 seconds)