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Breakfast cereal eaters stay healthier, do better in school
(Distributed 08/31/11) A bowl of cereal can be a great way for school children or anybody to start the morning. Studies show that cereal eaters have better nutrient intakes because cereals provide an important selection of nutrients, said LSU AgCenter nutritionist Beth Reames.Studies also show cereal can help with weight control.

Drift roses offer new landscape options
drift roses

(Distributed 08/26/11) The new Drift series roses were created in response to increased consumer demand for smaller, everblooming plants. Drift roses fit a special niche in the shrub-rose market. These roses are from Conard-Pyle/Star Roses, the same folks that gave us the Knock Out series of low-maintenance landscape roses.

Rudbeckia offers annual, perennial color in Louisiana
Goldsturm rudbeckia

(Distributed 08/19/11) Late summer through fall when temperatures begin to moderate and growing conditions become more favorable is one of the best times of the year to plant flowering perennials. This includes plants such as purple coneflower, Shasta daisies, gaillardia, rudbeckia, daylilies, verbena and more.

Trees need special care during drought
(Distributed 08/17/11) SHREVEPORT, La. – Just because a tree has turned brown or dropped leaves during a drought does not mean it is dead.

Low-maintenance plants provide color in late summer and fall
ornamental pepper
(Distributed 08/11/12) Copper plants are great foliage plants for the landscape. These go by the scientific name of Acalypha, and they really put on a fantastic show in late summer and fall. You can choose from a tremendous number of these varieties – some old, some new. Proven Winners has introduced several the past few years, and we also have a number that are industry standards in Louisiana – such as Louisiana Red and Opelousas Red.
Cook meats carefully to avoid illnesses
(Distributed 08/11/11) Raw and undercooked meat may contain harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illness, and cooking meat and poultry to recommended temperatures will kill bacteria and decrease the risk of foodborne illness, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist and food specialist Beth Reames.
Prune roses now for fall blooms
Julia Child rose
(Distributed 08/05/11) Late August and early September are the time to begin preparing for fall blooms on your roses. Rose flowering and overall performance aren’t great during Louisiana summers, but each year we have the potential to have great fall blooms due to the cooler conditions and typically drier weather.