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Try reusing caladium tubers
(Audio 09/21/09) Caladiums may not need to be replanted each year even though they become dormant during winter months. The tubers could be reused to produce more caladiums the following year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Create your own compost
(Audio 09/21/09) Many gardeners simply discard the organic waste they clean out of their yards. Composting items such as grass clippings and leaves could be beneficial for future bed preparations. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Sedum is good plant for busy gardeners
(Video 09/07/09) If you don’t have time to water your plants frequently during the summer, you might be interested in a less water-needy plant that flowers most of the year. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to that very type of plant – a tough and beautiful species of the perennial plant known as sedum. (Runtime: 1:42)
Plant coleus for fabulous fall color
(Video 09/14/09) It’s definitely not fall yet, but one plant that’s showing beautiful fall color right now is the coleus. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains a basic consideration when selecting a coleus plant. (Runtime: 1:34)
September is busy month for vegetable gardeners
(Audio 09/07/09) The home vegetable garden is very active in September. Many of the same vegetables that grew in the spring and early summer are planted for a fall crop. Gardeners also can plant cool-season vegetables. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Construction could harm shade trees
(Audio 09/07/09) Mature shade trees are among the most valuable and irreplaceable plants in our landscape. But when you undertake a construction project on a lot with existing trees, the activity can affect the trees. Hire an arborist to make sure trees you want to spare are not harmed during construction. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Gardeners can plant allium vegetables this month
(Audio 09/07/09) Vegetables such as leeks, shallots and bunching onions are part of the allium family. They are easy to grow and productive in the home garden. They grow over a long period before they can be harvested, and September is a good month for planting them. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Mushrooms are nuisance in lawns
(Audio 09/07/09) Mushrooms may pop in your yard this month. These can be a nuisance, and there is always the possibility that they can be toxic. To be on the safe side, remove mushrooms before allowing pets or children to play in the area. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Self-pruning occurs with pecan trees
(Audio 09/07/09) The load of nuts on a pecan tree may be fairly heavy this time of the year. As trees get older, healthy branches can snap off because of the weight of the nuts. That's why you should not plant pecan trees near homes or structures. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Fertilize with caution as fall begins
(Audio 09/14/09) September is still hot in Louisiana, but most plants are slowing down in preparation for fall and winter. Gardeners should be cautious about what they fertilize this time of the year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prepare beds for fall plantings
(Audio 09/14/09) As the weather starts to turn cooler this time of year, many gardeners begin preparing beds for fall plantings. Gardeners can plant a variety of cool-season vegetables and flowers in their landscape during the fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plants need to prepare for winter
(Audio 09/14/09) The days get shorter in September, and fall is around the corner. We need to be aware of the changing of the seasons and to stop pruning to let plants begin to harden off. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Hot, dry weather encourages chinch bug development
(Audio 09/14/09) Lawns haven't slowed down their growth yet, so you need to continue mowing and caring for yours. In early fall, the weather can be very hot and dry, and such weather can encourage chinch bugs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Beds may need more mulch to keep weeds away
(Audio 09/14/09) Louisiana gardeners rely on mulch to help control weeds during the summer. The organic matter we use as mulch eventually decays and breaks down. So check your mulch and add more, if needed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
You can grow winter vegetables in containers
(For Release On Or After 09/25/09) The satisfaction of growing fresh vegetables is undeniable, yet many gardeners don’t have a suitable in-ground location to grow them. If you’re forced to do your gardening in containers, you should know that many cool-season vegetables can be grown successfully in containers.
Here’s what to do with caladiums
(For Release On Or After 09/18/09) Caladiums are getting past their prime now, and it’s time to decide what you want to do with them. Your choices are: pull them up and throw them away; leave the tubers in the ground to resprout there next year; or dig them up, store the tubers and plant them again next year.
You can manage volunteers in the garden
(For Release On Or After 09/11/09) Gardeners use the term “volunteer” for the seedling of a desirable plant that appears in a garden without having been planted. They can be the offspring of trees and shrubs, but most often they are the result of seeds dropped by annuals or perennials previously grown in the garden.
Fall is tardy in the Deep South
(For Release On Or After 09/04/09) For much of the nation, September marks the end of summer. For those of us living in the Deep South, however, it would be wishful thinking to think that fall weather is a certainty in September.
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