Get It Growing
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Take time to 'Knock Out' faded roses
(Video 05/11/09) Knock Out roses look beautiful in landscapes this time of year. But they can grow very large, and faded flowers can cause them to lose some of their attractiveness. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill shows you one way to help your Knock Outs remain a knockout. (Runtime: 1 minute, 48 seconds)
Green Spring
Various shades of green are possible in your landscape
(Video 05/04/09) Among spring’s trademarks are the vivid and varied shades of green you’ll see in many landscapes. On this edition of Get it Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to some plants that keep their dynamic, springtime greens well into the summer. (Runtime: 1 minute, 50 seconds)
Cypress Tree
Baldcypress has distinctive look
(Video 05/18/09) The baldcypress tree is readily identified with swamps, but it’s also a species that has become popular as a landscape tree. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains why a cypress is a good tree to plant. (Runtime: 1 minute, 31 seconds)
lady bugs
Lady bugs offer an alternative to pesticides
(Video 05/25/09) If you’re having insect problems on your plants, you may want to consider an alternative to insecticides. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how predatory insects like ladybugs can kill pests just as effectively. (Runtime: 1 minute, 44 seconds)
Vegetables planted in May must be heat-tolerant
(Audio 05/04/09) Most vegetables perform better when planted during the milder parts of the year. But some heat-tolerant vegetables will do fine growing throughout the summer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Harvest herbs in May
(Audio 05/04/09) As summer heat begins to arrive in May, some of your herbs may begin to languish. To get the most from your plants, harvest these herbs and dry them for later use. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Caladiums are great for shady areas
(Audio 05/04/09) Use caladiums if you want reliable plants that have unmatched growth in shaded areas of your landscape. Their colorful foliage can brighten up darker spots in your yard. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Red bell peppers are just ripe green ones
(Audio 05/04/09) Many people believe that green bell peppers and red bell peppers come from different plants, but they are the same. If you leave your green bell peppers on the plant longer, they will turn red. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Set tropical houseplants outside for the summer
(Audio 05/04/09) Many houseplants are tropical plants that don't tolerate cold weather very well, but when May comes around, these plants will flourish outdoors. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Solid sodding is best bet when establishing a lawn
(Audio 05/11/09) The permanent lawn grasses we use in Louisiana are all warm-season grasses. They grow and thrive in the summer heat. If you are planting a lawn, consider solid sodding. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Watering helps sod establish roots
(Audio 05/11/09) When establishing a lawn from sod, it is important to properly take care of the sod. Watering is critical to help the grass develop strong roots. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Buckeye rot can damage mature tomatoes
(Audio 05/11/09) Tomatoes are a popular home vegetable, but they do have their share of problems. A common disease on tomatoes is buckeye rot. It hits the mature fruit on the bottom of the plant. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant palm trees during the summer
(Audio 05/11/09) For the most part, Louisiana gardeners should plant trees during our cooler winter season. But there is at least one exception. Palm trees do best when planted during the hot summer months. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Hydrangeas and gardenias blooming in Louisiana landscapes
(Audio 05/11/09) Hydrangeas and gardenias are popular flowering shrubs in Louisiana landscapes. Their flowers bloom this time of the year. You can prune these shrubs after they finish blooming. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Newly planted trees need proper irrigation
(Audio 5/18/09) Newly planted trees will need watering to help them survive their first summer in the ground. A great way to water a tree is with a 5-gallon bucket with holes at the bottom. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Be careful when pruning blackberry plants
(Audio 05/18/09) Blackberry plants are productive in May. After you harvest berries, you have to be careful when pruning -- and not just because of the thorns on the plant. Don't cut back the canes that didn't produce any fruit. Those will produce fruit next year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Warm-season bedding plants brighten summer landscapes
(Audio 05/18/09) Louisiana gardeners use a wide variety of warm-season plants to provide color to our summer landscapes. Gardeners should prepare beds properly before putting in new plants. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant hyacinth bean for attractive flowering vine
(Audio 05/18/09) Louisiana gardeners can use a number of annual flowering vines. A great one to grow is the hyacinth bean. It produces wonderful lavender flowers in the summer and through the fall. It also has attractive foliage and seed pods. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spanish moss lives on trees but won't hurt them
(Audio 05/18/09) Spanish moss does not hurt trees. It's not a parasite and it won't take nutrients from the tree. It lives on the tree but gets water and minerals from rain water. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Black spot can damage roses
(Audio 05/25/09) If you grow roses in Louisiana, you are familiar with the disease black spot. It attacks the foliage of the plants. Since some of the roses we grow are susceptible to the disease, regular control measures are needed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
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