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Japanese Magnolia
Japanese magnolia blooms through early February
(Video 02/02/09) Attractive small trees can create a nice touch to any landscape. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill discusses different varieties of a very popular small tree -- the Japanese magnolia. (Runtime: 1 minute, 37 seconds)
Geraniums are an American classic
(Video 02/09/09) When we think about colorful bedding plants, thoughts generally turn to planting them in the spring or summer. But on this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how the colorful, cold-hardy geranium can be planted now. (Runtime: 1 minute, 41 seconds)
Fragrant Plants
Tips for selecting fragrant plants
(Video 02/16/09) When selecting the right landscape plants it’s vital to ask important questions like “How big will the plant grow?” or “How hardy is it in a particular season?” On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill poses a different question: How does the plant smell? (Runtime: 1 minute, 41 seconds)
Planting Artichokes
Ins and outs of planting artichokes
(Video 02/23/09) It’s a good idea to plant vegetables now -- during cooler weather. One vegetable you might think about planting is the artichoke. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explores the ins and outs of planting artichokes. (Runtime: 1 minute, 39 seconds)
Plant only cool-season vegetables during February
(Audio 02/02/09) Spring may be right around the corner, but the weather is still cold enough to allow hard freezes to occur. That's why we continue to plant only cool-season vegetables this month. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prune roses in early February
(Audio 02/02/09) February is a good time to prune roses. This prepares the plants for blooming in the spring and summer seasons. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spider mites can infest indoor plants
(Audio 02/02/09) Spider mites are a common indoor pest that many plant lovers have to deal with. Spider mites are very tiny insects that can cause your plants to look dusty . (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Tender tropical plants are vulnerable in cold weather
(Audio 02/02/09) We love to use many tropical plants in our Louisiana home landscapes. Although they do very well in Louisiana's hottest weather, they have very little cold tolerance. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant swiss chard for a large, robust plant
(Audio 02/02/09) Many gardeners are unfamiliar with swiss chard. It's a vegetable that easily can be planted in your home garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
It is not too late to plant cool-season bedding plants
(Audio 02/09/09) Louisiana gardeners can plant a wide variety of cool-season bedding plants as early as October. Even though that time passed months ago, it still is not too late to add cool-season bedding plants to your landscape. But it is better to do it now than to wait until March or April. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
February is a good time to prune fruit trees
(Audio 02/09/09) Many of the hardy fruit trees we plant in our landscapes can be pruned in February, but be aware that all fruit trees are pruned differently. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Divide perennials for optimal growth and blooming
(Audio 02/09/09) Dividing perennials helps plants bloom better. You should divide these plants while they are dormant, which is now for most perennials in our landscapes. Plan on wrapping up this task before the end of March. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant bare-root roses early
(Audio 02/09/09) Bare-root roses should be planted by the end of February. This is your absolute last chance to get them into the ground. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Hydrangea's color is dependent on soil conditions
(Audio 02/09/09) Hydrangeas are unique plants that come in lovely shades of blue or pink. These flowers are unusual because the availability of aluminum in the soil dictates their color -- and their color can be manipulated. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Things to consider when planting trees
(Audio 02/16/09) The cool season is the best time to plant a tree in Louisiana. If you want a new tree in your landscape, plant it before late March. When choosing a tree, be sure to pick one that is the right size for you landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Finish transplanting this month
(Audio 02/09/09) February is the last optimal month for digging up and transplanting trees and shrubs in your landscape. It is important to move a plant with as much of the root system as you can get. This will determine the survival of the tree or shrub. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prepare beds now for planting during March and April
(Audio 02/16/09) Spring is a busy time in the home landscape. So while things are slower during February, it is a good time to prepare beds that you will plant in March or April. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plants require varying amounts of sunlight
(Audio 02/16/09) Light is important to the health of plants. In gardening, a range of terms exists to describe light conditions in the landscape. These include full sun, part sun, part shade and shade. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Clip ground covers in late winter
(Audio 02/16/09) Gardeners use a variety of ground covers in their landscapes. These plants usually are evergreen, have a tendency to spread and are shade-tolerant. Even if they are evergreen, they can have old, brown foliage. February and March are good months to clip ground covers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Start caladium tubers early
(Audio 02/23/09) You may begin to see caladium tubers at your local nursery about now. It is a good idea to get them early. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
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