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Hurricane-damaged pecan crop showing mixed results across La.
(TV News 12/07/09) Pecans play a big role in holiday meals in Louisiana, but this fall the crop is scarce in some areas of the state. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports the effects of Hurricane Gustav will be felt in some pecan-producing parishes for several years. (Runtime: 1:17)
Proposal to outlaw raw oysters threatens industry
(TV News 12/28/09) A proposed ban on raw oysters harvested during warm months would have hurt an already fragile oyster industry in Louisiana. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:48)
Louisiana citrus successful despite storms
(TV News 12/14/09) The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is more than just the holidays – it’s citrus season in Louisiana, and this year consumer can have their fill. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard has the story. (Runtime: 1:43)
Holiday Plant
Care required for holiday plant survival
(TV News 12/21/09) Plants can play a featured role in holiday decorations, but you can’t put them on display and then ignore them. LSU AgCenter correspondent Tobie Blanchard reports these plants need care throughout the holiday season. (Runtime: 1:25)
Resolve to be healthier in 2010
(Radio News 12/28/09) Each new year many people resolve to be healthier. LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames says start 2010 with a plan that will help you make healthful choices. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Container plants could harbor insects
(Radio News 12/28/09) Many people use container plants to embellish decks and patios, but some of these plants must come indoors for the winter. LSU AgCenter entomologist Dr. Dale Pollet warns the soils of these plants are good dwelling places for a variety of insects. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Watch for pests in pantry products
(Radio News 12/28/09) Small insects can invade our pantries -- particularly this time of year when many people store extra items such as cake mixes, flour and other foods for holiday parties. LSU AgCenter entomologist Dr. Dale Pollet says to be careful of what you buy. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Family expert offers advice for military families
(Radio News 12/28/09) Parents facing military deployment should prepare their children for the absence. LSU AgCenter family and child development expert Dr. Linda Robinson says parents can start by helping children express their feelings. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Adapt recipes containing raw eggs
(Radio News 12/14/09) Some holiday foods and drinks such as cream pies and eggnog traditionally call for raw eggs. LSU AgCenter nutritionist and food safety expert Dr. Beth Reames says recipes can be adapted to use cooked eggs instead of raw eggs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plants play a featured role in holiday decorations
(Radio News 12/21/09) Plants can play a featured role in holiday decorations. If you invested in plants to use in your holiday decor, don’t neglect them as the season wears on. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Move more during the holidays
(Radio News 12/28/09) LSU AgCenter nutritionist suggests sneaking in ways to move more this holiday season. Dr. Beth Reames says adding exercise to your schedule can keep you from gaining holiday weight. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Horticulturist explains what to do with holiday plants
(Radio News 12/28/09) What do you do with that cluster of poinsettias, the decorated living Christmas tree or the holiday cactus you got as a gift after the holidays? LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill has the answers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Gift of bonds includes investing lessons
(Radio News 12/21/09) Many families have established the tradition of giving gift bonds as Christmas presents. LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker says the bonds can come with a lesson. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Popularity of gift cards increase
(Radio News 12/21/09) The popularity of gift cards as Christmas gifts continue to increase each year. While they are a great option, purchasers should be aware of risks and costs associated with gift cards. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Economist has tips to stretch holiday budget
(Radio News 12/21/09) If you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet, LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker has a few tips to keep you from overspending. First make a plan, then shop with a set amount of cash in an envelope. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Remember baby’s temperament during holiday festivities
(Radio News 12/14/09) Holidays are an exciting time with a new baby, but the festivities can be stressful for infants and toddlers. LSU AgCenter child and family life expert Dr. Linda Robinson says parents should be aware of their baby’s temperament during holiday activities. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Holidays hard for children with divorced parents
(Radio News 12/14/09) Children of divorced or separated parents could have a difficult time during the holidays. LSU AgCenter child and family life expert Dr. Linda Robinson says parents need to be sensitive to their children’s needs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Growers planting new pecan trees
(Radio News 12/14/09) It takes several years for a new pecan tree to come into production. LSU AgCenter country agent in Pointe Coupee Parish Miles Brashier says growers have planted new trees in recent years and are replacing lost or damaged trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Children can be kitchen holiday helpers
(Radio News 12/14/09) Children can be good holiday helpers in the kitchen says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames. This is a great way to teach youngsters about nutrition and food safety. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Holiday pound stays for the new year
(Radio News 12/07/09) Research shows that average weight gain during the holidays is a pound. While that doesn’t sound like much, LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames says there is some bad news. That pound tends to stay around, and the weight can accumulate over the years. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
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