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Camellias brighten winter landscapes
(Distributed 12/25/09) Camellias are part of our Southern gardening heritage. A few well-placed specimens will brighten up your landscape during the winter when few other shrubs are blooming.
Tree planting needs proper preparation
(Distributed 12/18/09) Many landscape trees are planted from fall through the winter in Louisiana. Homeowners need to be aware of some of the common mistakes made in planting, establishment and follow-up care of trees.
Saving, investing habit makes good gift
(Distributed 12/15/09) Many doting grandparents (and others) have established family traditions of giving U.S. savings bonds as holiday gifts. Gifts of bonds help grandchildren save for the future and teach them about investing at the same time according to LSU AgCenter family economist Jeanette Tucker.
Kitchen comfort and energy efficiency create feeling of optimism
(Distributed 12/11/09) A shaky economy and uncertainty about the future create a period of transition, according to Diane Scimeca, LSU AgCenter healthy homes coordinator.
Sasanquas create winter color in the landscape
(Distributed 12/11/09) Sasanquas are one of our most popular flowering shrubs for the late fall through early spring months. They go by the scientific names of Camellia sasanqua.
Gift cards are a top choice; purchase and use them wisely
(Distributed 12/09/09) When people were asked what they wanted to receive this year, gift cards was the clear winner, according to an LSU AgCenter family economist.
Watch your calories when shopping
(Distributed 12/08/09) If you’re planning to spend time at the mall this holiday season, LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames offers some tips to help you prevent overeating while you’re out and about.
Help children share in holiday fun
(Distributed 12/08/09) Children enjoy being holiday helpers. This holiday season, let your children share in planning and preparing food for these special occasions, says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames
These 10 tips can stretch your holiday budget
(Distributed 12/07/09) Walking in a winter wonderland abundant with holiday sights, sounds, and smells can seduce shoppers to spend dangerously.
You can eat right and avoid holiday weight gain
(Distributed 12/04/09) If you’re one of the many Americans who face the holiday season with some fear of gaining weight, the good news is that although many people gain weight from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, research suggests that the gain will probably be only 1 pound, not 5, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Keep active during holidays, expert says
(Distributed 12/04/09) Physical activity is important all year, but it can be especially helpful during the holidays when you may be eating more than usual, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Avoid landscaping practices that may encourage termites
(Distributed 12/4/09) Fall through spring is when most folks add new plants to their landscape. This is the best time of year for planting trees, shrubs and ground covers, but it is also a time to be cautious about creating problems that could bring termites into your home.
Make your egg recipes safe
(Distributed 12/03/09) Make sure your holiday treats containing eggs – such as eggnog, cream pies and similar dishes – are safe to eat, LSU AgCenter experts warn.
Expert tells how to select a poinsettia for the holidays
(Distributed 12/03/09) Christmas tree and holiday decoration shopping has started, and an LSU AgCenter expert has some guidelines for buying poinsettias.
Reviewing your credit report is important
(Distributed 12/01/09) The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA or FACT ACT) requires each of the credit bureaus to provide you with a free copy of your credit report each year. The big three bureaus have set up a central source where you can get your free annual credit report, according to Dr. Jeanette Tucker, LSU AgCenter family economics specialist.
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