Get It Growing
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Pre-emergence herbicides can prevent weeds
(Video 8/31/09) Keeping weeds out of your garden by hand during the summer is tough, but effective. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explores when to use the option of herbicides to help you control or prevent weeds. (Runtime: 1:40)
Hardy tropicals can withstand Louisiana winters
(Video 08/03/09) Tropical plants add a refreshing touch to any patio or landscape. But can all tropicals survive in Louisiana? On this edition of Get it Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains which tropicals are hardy in Louisiana and which ones aren’t. (Runtime: 1:33)
Perennials bring great color to landscapes
(Video 08/10/09) It’s nice to have choices of perennials – plants that stay alive throughout the year while periodically producing beautiful colors. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to some brilliant perennials you can plant during the summer. (Runtime: 1: 44)
Ferns are fond of shady areas
(Video 08/17/09) As August temperatures soar gardeners should not be ashamed to retreat to the shade. In fact, on this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill encourages you to work in the shade – planting shade-loving ferns. (Runtime: 1:47)
Ajuga covers shady areas
(Video 08/24/09) Looking for an attractive ground cover for parts of your summer landscape? Then you might be interested in ajuga – a purple plant you can grow in shaded or semi-shaded areas. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to various types of ajuga, which is also known as bugleweed. (Runtime: 1:39)
Unchecked chinch bugs can kill grass
(Audio 08/03/09) Chinch bugs are among the leading lawn insect pests. They attack primarily St. Augustine grass and they proliferate in hot, dry weather. Since these pests can kill the grass if they get out of hand, controlling them is important. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant fall tomato transplants soon
(Audio 08/03/09) Louisiana gardeners can get a fall crop of tomatoes. Plant transplants into the vegetable garden during August or early September. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Solving summer pest problems
(Audio 08/03/09) Pest problems can get out of hand during the summer. Insects, diseases and weeds thrive in the heat. It is important to identify the problem and determine how best to solve it. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Snip and shape warm-seaon bedding plants
(Audio 08/03/09) Louisiana has a long growing season for summer bedding plants. Some of these plants may be overgrown or leggy. Cut those back to keep your garden looking attractive. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Signs of cooler season appear in vegetable gardens
(Audio 08/03/09) While August is still intensely hot, we can look forward to the cooler season in our vegetable gardens. We can plant seeds for cool-season vegetable transplants including broccoli and cauliflower now. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Proper watering is essential during dry periods
(Audio 08/10/09) Many areas of Louisiana have been very dry this summer. It is important to water properly -- which means watering when necessary rather than watering "by the calendar" or how many days have passed since the previous watering or rain.(Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spider mites and white flies favor hot, dry conditions
(Audio 08/10/09) Spider mites are worse when the weather is hot and dry -- the conditions common in Louisiana this time of the year. White flies also can be a problem in August. Oil sprays can help keep these pests under control. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Coleus can work in shady or sunny locations
(Audio 08/10/09) Coleus is a great summer bedding plant. It is grown for its colorful foliage. Some varieties are more adapted to shady areas, but others can be planted in locations that receive full sun this time of year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Keep eggplant and bell pepper transplants in shape for fall production
(Audio 08/10/09) Most vegetable gardeners planted eggplant and bell pepper transplants into their gardens during the spring. These plants may not be very productive this time of year, but they can produce again in the fall. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Drought stress can affect pecan harvest
(Audio 08/10/09) Pecan season is right around the corner, so you need to pay attention to any needs the trees may have. Drought stress will cause trees to drop their pecans early, so make sure the trees are well watered. Also, watch out for breaking branches. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Growing plants need larger containers
(Audio 08/17/09) Container plants, even houseplants, enjoy spending some time outside. Their growth will be more vigorous and attractive. But you'll need to check now and then to see if they've outgrown their containers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Butterfly weeds attract monarch butterflies
(Audio 08/17/09) Butterfly gardeners know that butterfly weeds are wonderful ornamental plants. These plants are the preferred host of the monarch butterfly. Although aphids may cluster on butterfly weeds, don't use insecticides because they might harm the caterpillar eggs. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Louisiana iris go dormant in August
(Audio 08/17/09) In the months of August and September, Louisiana iris are dormant. They'll begin active growth in October. This is a great time to divide and transplant them. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Look for signs that pears are ready for harvest
(Audio 08/17/09) Pears begin ripening during August. To determine when to harvest pears, look for fruit that is turning from green to more yellow. Some pears may have a redish blush. Ripe pears also will soften slightly. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Stay in the shade with ferns
(Audio 08/17/09) This is a great time of the year to work with ferns. Ferns grow in shady areas, and that allows you the opportunity to garden in the shade. You can evaluate fern plants and do some grooming. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
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