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‘Choose-And-Cut’ Tree Season Begins
(Distributed 11/20/07) An annual tradition in the South is the opening of most "choose-and-cut" Christmas tree farms on the Friday following Thanksgiving.

Enjoy Pecans Longer With Proper Handling
(Distributed 11/13/07) Pecans are nutritious, tasty treats that literally fall from trees. They should be handled properly to ensure that their flavor and quality remain until the next harvest, according to LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dr. John Pyzner.

Old And Future Memories Important At Thanksgiving
(Distributed 11/13/07) What are your fondest memories of Thanksgiving? What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember – Traditions? Giving? Togetherness?

Lost Traditions May Sadden Thanksgiving
(Distributed 11/09/07) If your Thanksgiving is steeped in family traditions, the occasion can be a difficult one should circumstances change and those traditions are lost.

Fried Turkey Gets Nutrition Nod
(Distributed 11/09/07) “It’s not as unhealthy as it sounds,” says LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames about fried turkey, “if you don't eat the skin of the bird.”
Certain Pies Dangerous At Room Temperature
(Distributed 11/09/07) The holidays are time to enjoy special desserts you may only make once a year. To prevent getting foodborne illness, refrigerate pies containing eggs and milk, such as pumpkin, custard and cream pies, according to LSU AgCenter nutritionist Dr. Beth Reames.
Only 1 Cooking Temperature To Remember
(Distributed 11/09/07) If you’ve been confused in the past about the temperature you needed to cook your holiday turkey, you now need to remember only one temperature, 165 degrees. Past food safety guidelines recommended higher temperatures for some poultry products, including 170 degrees for chicken breasts and 180 degrees for whole birds.
Thanksgiving Dinner Costs Less This Year
(Distributed 11/09/07) When Louisiana cooks shop for their Thanksgiving meal, they’ll find the cost of the basic dinner items will average $37.31 for 10 people, according to an LSU AgCenter survey of Baton Rouge-area prices. That’s down by $2.50 from last year’s average of $39.81.
Attitude Of Gratitude Important For Youth To Learn
(Distributed 11/06/07) Thanksgiving offers families an opportunity to reflect on their many blessings. Youth, however, often take their blessings for granted. How can parents and educators teach young people an attitude of gratitude?
Celebrate Family Ties By Volunteering
(Distributed 11/05/07) LSU AgCenter volunteer expert Dr. Janet Fox encourages family members to volunteer together in community service on Nov. 18, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Each year, that Saturday is designated as Family Volunteer Day.