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chinese evergreen
Chinese evergreens offer colorful variations
(Video 02/24/14) The traditional Chinese evergreen is a tough houseplant that has always come in one color – green. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how recent developments with this plant now include striking variations from the original color and style of the plant. (Runtime: 1:50 seconds)
Does fertilizer go bad over time?
(Audio 02/24/14) Fertilizer does not go bad over time. Proper care and storage leads to fertilizer being just as nutritious as when the bag was first opened. Listen to learn more. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Best time to plant caladiums
(Audio 02/24/14) Caladium bulbs can be planted before spring starts. Bulbs can be bought and planted in potting soil flats where proper care can be given to them so that they stay warm and moist. This will help give bright colors to the flowers when planting them in the ground at the beginning of spring. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Gardens need organic matter
(Audio 02/17/14) Gardeners may be unsure about what exactly organic matter is. Essentially it is material derived from plants or plant parts, such as grass clipping or wood chips. Letting this material decay will give you compost. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Trim ground covers in late winter
(Audio 02/24/14) Late February is a good time to cut back ground covers. Do this before new growth occurs in the spring. This helps rejuvenate the plant and controls height. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant gladiolas in late February
(Audio 02/24/14) Louisiana gardeners can start planting gladiolas in late February and can plant them into March. Gladiolas need to bloom while the weather is still mild. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Right amount of light helps plants thrive
(Audio 02/24/14) To grow plants successfully, provide them with adequate light. Light is food for plants. Some plants need full sun, others part shade. Listen to learn more about these terms. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Divide perennials while they are dormant
(Audio 02/17/14) Gardeners can divide dormant perennials in February. Perennials may need to be divided if the clump has gotten too big or if you want plants in other areas. It is best to do this before the flowers wake up and begin growing. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Young trees need fertilizer
(Audio 02/17/14) Trees can benefit from the extra nutrients fertilizers provide. Young trees especially need fertilizer. You can use tree spikes or granular fertilizer to fertilize your trees. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Spring-flowering bulbs can withstand cold
(Audio 02/17/14) Spring-flowering bulbs are growing in gardens, but most won't bloom until March. Despite the extreme cold Louisiana has had this winter, there is no need to protect the plant parts. The flowers can be damaged if a hard freeze occurs in March. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Transplant trees in winter
(Audio 02/17/14) Trees sometimes pop up in places they don't belong or are in areas that don't work. Gardeners who want to transplant a tree should do it in winter. Listen to learn how. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Hardy Shrubs
Plant hardy shrubs to bring back the green
(Video 02/17/14) If most of your yard is brown with plants destroyed by freeze damage, then now's the time to tip the balance back to shades of living green. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains how you can liven your landscape by planting hardy shrubs. (Runtime: 1:31)
Cool Season Flowers
Cool-season plants offer color now through May
(Video 02/10/14) Landscapes with ugly, dead, freeze-damaged plants don't have to look that way. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill explains what beautiful plants you can find at the nursery right now -- plants that will provide continuous color from now through May. (Runtime: 1:50)
Soil additive can change hydrangea color
(Audio 02/10/14) Hydrangea color is dependent on the acidity of the soil. Gardeners can change the color of their hydrangeas by adding aluminum sulfate or lime around the hydrangea plant. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Gardeners can plant bare-root roses in February
(Audio 02/10/14) Not many plants are sold with bare roots. Gardeners can still find bare-root roses in nurseries. They are more perishable than container-grown roses and should be planted this month while they are still dormant. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Fertilize fruit tree to keep it productive
(Audio 02/10/14) To keep your fruit tree healthy and productive, fertilize it. You can have your soil tested to choose the best fertilizer for your soil or use a general purpose fertilizer. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Cool-season color for shady areas
(Audio 02/10/14) Gardeners looking to add cool-season color to shady areas have several options. Plants like forget-me-nots and foxgloves can tolerate mostly shade with just a few hours of sun. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prune hardy fruit trees in February
(Audio 02/10/14) February is a good time to prune hardy fruit trees. The way the tree is pruned depends on the type of fruit tree it is. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prune roses in early February
(For Release On Or After 02/07/14) Early February is an excellent time to cut back roses growing in your landscape. Hybrid tea and grandiflora roses, in particular, should be pruned around this time every year. Otherwise, these roses tend to become leggy, less vigorous and unattractive and do not bloom as well.
Garden with termites in mind
(For Release On Or After 02/28/14) The next several months are a popular time for adding new beds of shrubs, ground covers and flowers to the landscape or reworking and replanting existing beds. When dealing with beds that are right next to your house, this work can affect your home’s termite protection.
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