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Plant insect-free Profusion zinnias
(Audio 06/24/13) Louisiana gardeners welcome flowering plants that are able to withstand the intense heat of summer. Profusion zinnias are a hybrid group of zinnias that are insect-free. They grow very well during the summer. Hear more about growing zinnias in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Mexican tarragon grows well during summer
(Audio 06/24/13) While French tarragon will not grow properly throughout Louisiana’s hot summers, Mexican tarragon could serve as a substitute. This relative of marigolds has a rich flavor and grows beautifully in full sun. Learn more about planting Mexican tarragon in your herb garden. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Handle snail and slug damage in your landscape
(Audio 06/24/13) Frequent summer rainfall makes the weather humid and damp. Snails and slugs love this type of weather, and they are likely to come out and feed on your plants. Deal with snails and slugs by setting out beer traps or using iron phosphate baits. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Remove cypress knees that pop up in your lawn
(Audio 06/24/13) Most baldcypress trees that are planted in the landscape don’t usually produce knees. If your cypress does produce knees, this can be a nuisance when they come up in the lawn. While cypress knees in a flower bed appear picturesque, it is beneficial to eliminate the ones that appear in your lawn. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Choose heat-tolerant petunia varieties
(Audio 06/24/13) Petunias produce beautifully while the weather is relatively mild in the spring. It is not unusual for these spring-planted petunias to begin to languish during the intense heat of summer. If you are planning to plant petunias for the summer, be sure to choose heat-tolerant varieties. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Addressing disease in amaryllis plants
(Video 06/24/13) Amaryllis is a tropical-looking plant that has recently finished blooming across the state. On this edition of Get It Growing, horticulturist Dan Gill offers advice for detecting disease in amaryllis and steps to improve the overall health of the plant. (Runtime: 1:47)
Copperleaf surprises with unique summer colors
(Video 06/17/13) Mention summer color and we typically think of bright flowers. But foliage can be a source of great splashes of color, too. On this edition of Get It Growing, LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dan Gill introduces you to the diverse copperleaf -- uniquely colored plants that are drought-tolerant even through the hottest months. (Runtime: 1:46)
Containers, pots on decks could use boost
(Audio 06/17/13) Many gardeners have outdoor container plants. Be careful when growing container plants on wooden decks because they could cause staining or rotting of the wood. To prevent this from happening, boost container plants by placing them on top of bricks or pot feet. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Trees are susceptible to lightning strikes
(Audio 06/17/13) Trees are an irreplaceable aspect of landscapes, but their tall heights make them vulnerable to lightning strikes. A lightning strike does not always cause a tree to die, but homeowners should be aware of how to handle a dying tree. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Plant pentas to brighten flower bed
(Audio 06/17/13) Just about everyone loves a colorful flower bed in the summer. Pentas are wonderful, reliable plants that come in a variety of beautiful colors and sizes. Hear more about planting pentas in your flower bed. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Control population of caterpillars in landscape
(Audio 06/17/13) Caterpillars are a major pest on plants such as vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees. Gardeners should keep an eye out for caterpillar damage and take action for controlling infestations if necessary. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Pruning gardenias encourages new growth for next season
(Audio 06/17/13) Gardenias are popular in Louisiana gardens and are known for their amazing fragrance. When gardenias finish their blooming season in June, it is time for gardeners to begin pruning if necessary. Here are some reasons why you may want to consider pruning your gardenias. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Control suckers in your landscape
(Audio 06/10/13) A sucker is an undesirable, vigorous shoot originating at the base of a plant. When dealing with suckers, it is important to prune them off properly to prevent a stub from sprouting and producing more suckers. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Lichens grow more vigorously on struggling plants
(Audio 06/10/13) Lichens are a crusty, grayish growth found on tree branches, statues or fences. Gardeners are often concerned that this growth is damaging the plant. Learn more about lichen growth in your landscape. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Be careful while gardening in summer heat
(Audio 06/10/13) Louisiana gardeners that spend long periods of time outside in their gardens should take precautions to protect themselves from summer’s heat. Hear more about drinking plenty of fluids, gardening in the shade and other helpful tips. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Prune once-blooming roses in June
(Audio 06/10/13) Now is the time for gardeners to start pruning their once-blooming rose bushes. These roses are just finishing their blooming season, and by pruning them now, the plant will produce vigorous new growth. This new growth will produce flowers for you next year. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Slime mold can benefit lawn
(Audio 06/10/13) Lawns often have many issues that are sometimes difficult to treat. Slime mold is an unattractive fungus-like organism that lives in lawns throughout the year and decays organic matter. Hear how slime mold can actually benefit your lawn rather than cause damage. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
lettuce leaf basil
Try some hot-weather herbs
(For Release On Or After 06/14/13) Many popular herbs languish in the heat of summer, and some down right pitch a fit. Herbs that do not like our hot, wet summers include thyme, chives, sage, parsley, cilantro, French tarragon, lavender, feverfew and chamomile.
shade tree
Shade trees reduce summer cooling bills
(For Release On Or After 06/28/03) The heat is on, and we can expect daytime highs around 90 and nighttime lows in the 70s from now until September. As the days get longer and the sunlight more intense, our home air conditioning systems work harder and harder to keep the inside of our homes comfortable.
Put the sun’s heat to good use
(For Release On Or After 06/21/13) The extraordinary heat we experience in summer can be put to good use in the vegetable garden. Through solarization – a process of heating soil in beds under clear plastic using sunlight – summer heat can be used to reduce the harmful effects of pathogenic fungi and nematodes and kill weed seeds in the soil without using toxic chemicals.
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